Metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, system component, or process possesses a given attribute.

Software metrics can be classified into three categories: product metrics, process metrics, and project metrics

Why Test Metrics?

Software Quality measurements are very important because without measures quality is like a jet with no fuel. Metric
  • Take the decision for next phase of activities such as, estimate the cost & schedule of future projects.
  • Understand the kind of improvement required to success the project
  • Take decision on process or technology to be modified etc.

Types of Metrics

Software metrics can be divided into three categories
Product Metrics
Product metrics describe the characteristics of the product such as size, complexity, design features, performance, and quality level.

Process Metrics
Process metrics can be used to improve software development and maintenance. Examples include the effectiveness of defect removal during development, the pattern of testing defect arrival, and the response time of the fix process.

Project Metrics
Project metrics describe the project characteristics and execution. Examples include the number of software developers, the staffing pattern over the life cycle of the software, cost, schedule, and productivity. Some metrics belong to multiple categories. For example, the in process quality metrics of a project are both process metrics and project metrics.
Software testing metrics are under the umbrella of overall metrics, software testing metrics basic focus is on process and product measurements
Below are few very important metrics which are very helpful in measuring the software quality.

Metrics Name
Test Execution Summary

This metric is used to measure the test execution

% of Passed Test Cases = %(No. of passed Test cases / Total no. of Test cases Executed)
% of Failed Test Cases=%(No. of failed Test cases / Total no. of Test cases Executed)
% of Blocked  Test Cases=%(No. of blocked Test cases / Total no. of Test cases Executed)


This metric is used to measure the quality of defects/bugs detected by the testers. High value means detected defects ratio is high

Calculation Formula = % (Number of Valid Bugs / Total number of Bugs)


Test Requirements Coverage
This metric is used to measure the test requirements coverage by written test cases. High value means high coverage is high.

Calculation Formula = % (Number of Test Cases )/ Total Requirements)


Test Coverage
This metric is used to measure test execution by written test cases. This metric is very effective to measure how much requirements are tested by executing the test cases.

Calculation Formula = % (Number of Test Cases executed / Total number of Test Cases)


High value means high number of test cases are executed
Bug Severity Index
This metric is used to measure the severity index of a sprint or release or any review activity. This metric is useful to take many decisions.

For example
·         Accept or reject a release
·         Pass/fail the exit/entry criteria

Calculation Formula: Sum of (Valid Bugs x Severity weight) / Total number of Valid Bugs
The Valid Bug is the acknowledged and approved Bug by the Developer
Bug severity weight can vary from organization to organization. Below are standard severity weights that can be used.

Bug Containment Rate
This metric is used to measure the % of defects in current cycle or sprint.
Calculation Formula: % (Bugs in the current test cycle / total number of Bugs)

Defect Removal Efficiency
This metric is used to measure the gaps between QA defects and productions defects. By using this metric management can measure the defects ratio in production?

Calculation Formula: % (No. of Defects found during QA testing / (No. of Defects found during QA testing +No. of Defects found by End user))

·         High value of DRE means high detection of defects in QA environment.
·         Low value of DRE means low detection of defects in QA environment and high occurrence of defects in production.

Defect Leakage
This metric is used to measure the defects leakage or missing area.
Defect Leakage is the Metric which is used to identify the efficiency of the defects missed by the tester in QA environment.

Calculation Formula = % (No. of Defects found in UAT / No. of Defects found in QA testing.) * 100

Defect Distribution(Priority, Severity, Status)
This metric is used to identify the no. of defects identified based on the Severity, Priority of the defect which is used to decide the quality of the software.
Calculation Formulas(Bug Severity Wise)
% Critical Defects = %( No. of Critical Defects identified / Total no. of Defects identified )
% Major Defects = %(No. of High Defects identified / Total no. of Defects identified )
% Medium Defects = %( No. of Medium Defects identified / Total no. of Defects identified )
%Minor Defects = %( No. of Low Defects identified / Total no. of Defects identified)

Calculation Formulas(Bug Priority Wise)
%High Priority Defects= %( No. of High priority Defects identified / Total no. of Defects identified)

%Medium priority Defects= %( No. of Medium priority Defects identified / Total no. of Defects identified)

%Low Priority Defects= %( No. of Low priority Defects identified / Total no. of Defects identified)

Test Efficiency Rate / Defect Detection Efficiency

Defect Arrival Trend
This metric shows the defects arrival trend by test cycles or by sprint. It’s very helpful to measure the sprint quality or test cycle’s quality.

Defect Resolution Trend
This metric shows the defects resolution trend by test cycles or by sprint.

Risk Arrival & Resolution
This metric is used to measures the risk arrival and their mitigation in a project or a sprint level.
Test Automatable
This metric is used to measure the percentage of automatable components or test cases

Test Automation %
This metric shows the automation completion as compared to the total test cases or manual test cases

  • Infosyste( Quality metrics model)
  • http://searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com/guides/Quality-metrics-A-guide-to-measuring-software-quality
  • Software Quality Metrics Overview - Pearson
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_metric
  •  https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=11&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwiXgP3uqNbJAhWDNhoKHZ-6CY0QFghnMAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sei.cmu.edu%2Freports%2F92tr022.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGiLV_l6ZzvDU5g019_HB0MaCnK4w&sig2=2o0_6XLIkpRoPjRxQ-f2YA&bvm=bv.109910813,d.d2s

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