You might need to delete all Facebook group members in below cases

Want to close the group
If you want to close Facebook group and your members are in large numbers you cannot close your group until  unless all members are deleted

Want to change the group privacy
If you want to change the group privacy and your group have large members you can't change the privacy until your group members are not deleted

Want to delete all old members and want to add new members
If you added group members before and now you want to delete  then and want to add them with verification you need to deleted them

What ever the situation you have , Facebook have no facility to delete FB group members in bulk , you can only delete the members one by one only.

But it does not means you can't delete , here is the solution you can delete all members by using our below techniques.

1- Download the code
2- Edit the code and put your facebook ID to ensure that your are not being deleted from the group and copy the code

3- Open your FB group in Google Chrome

4- Select the members tab of your group

5- Open the Developer option in chrome  Press (CTRL+SHIFT+I) on same time

6- Paste the code and then press enter, that's it now group member deletes will starts automaticall

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